Sunday, September 16, 2012

History of Cornwall

Many, many people love Cornwall, and they travel there quite often to enjoy the beauty and the history of the place. It's a wonderful setting to learn about historic battles and the kinds of things that took place many years ago. Pre-Roman inhabitants were the first people to arrive in Cornwall. After the area was ruled by the Romans for quite some time, there was a period where there were Celtic chieftains who controlled it. In the Middle Ages it became part of England, and was eventually incorporated into the UK and Great Britain. Many legendary and pseudo-historical works also talk about Cornwall. Upland areas were settled first because there was little vegetation there so it was much easier to clear them. There are still monuments to that time available to the public now, and a lot of people go to Cornwall each year so that they can see these pieces of history and learn about the people who used to call that area their home.

As times evolved so did Cornwall, and different people moved in and took over.

Many of these people were individuals who started working with the land - farming it and tilling it because they wanted to grow new things. The Iron Age brought a lot of that. There are still remnants of the equipment that they used back then, and these things can be found today. They offer even further insight into what the people were like during that time and how they lived off the land. Museums in Cornwall today show much of this progression, but there are also pieces of this time period that can be found in fields in the area. The area has been shaped by religion and politics, and also by a tsunami that came through in 1755. There is evidence of the water rising very rapidly in many places and eventually receding. The main reason that Cornwall has such rich history, though, is due to the fact that so many different kinds of people have lived there throughout time. It has affected the landscape with monuments and the people who share a history and a past unlike most other places around the world.

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