Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Must See Places When You Visit Cornwall

The first inhabitants of Cornwall, long before it acquired its current name were the Neolithic followed by the Bronze Age inhabitants; in the Iron Age, the Celts moved in. As such, this area is rich with historic value and artifacts. Cornwall has in the past and present played host to a number of movie and television production crews recording their films with the beauty of Cornwall as their backdrop. Cornwall is overflowing with beautiful green landscape and sparkling beaches. The avid explorer is likely to discover random remnants of days long passed as they stroll through the countryside.

Cornwall is not only a beautiful destination for tourists, it is also an active mining and fishing town with fishing boats coming and going on the beautiful clear deep blue water. The water is only challenged in beauty by the moorland landscapes that reach to the beaches.

The town itself is a mix of historical and modern.

There are art galleries that will sell you an artists conception of the beauty of the town and surrounding areas or many other subjects. The town is dotted with all sorts of shopping venues including unique boutiques and craft shops

Myths and legends abound for King Arthur and the ruins of King Arthur's castle at Titagel are fabulously popular and often plays the backdrop for tellers of the stories of King Arthur and his legendary court. The mysterious Dozmary Pool is alive with mystique as it is said to be the home and resting place of King Arthur's famous sword Excalibur. Slaughterbridge is said to be the location where King Arthur fought Mordred, maybe you will feel the presence of the two warriors as you lightly tread across the bridge.

If you love the beauty of natures rooted creations, you will love visiting Cornwall, it is the home to some of the most beautiful gardens in the world.

The variety of plants and their vivid display of undulating color set against the meticulously manicured lawns are a sight you will not soon forget. Most of these gardens can be glimpsed on the grounds of the stately homes and imposing mansions flecking the countryside.

If seafood is your passion, Cornwall is your Utopia, their seafood is what you would expect from a quaint, homey seaside village. Dine with the locals on a feast of fresh fish, enjoy the country flavour of the generous helpings of good wholesome country cooking. Enjoy the delightful array of local cheeses and accompany your feast with chilled wine directly from the local vineyards. The local townspeople are warm, friendly and their hospitality is second to none.

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