Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Maya Diaries -- Episode 08 -- Cornwall Holiday 2009 Day One

Last month myself and some friends travelled down to a campsite just outside the town of Penzance for a couple of days of son, surf and relaxation. This is quite a short episode as the first day was primarily spent with driving down the seven hours from Essex to the very foot of the country. After that all we really had time to do was just set up the tent get some supplies from the supermarket in Penzance. We finished the day with a barbecue and eagerly awaiting our friend's arrival on the next day. Just a quick plug to everybody, don't forget you can subscribe in a number of ways. If you just want to receive updates of my video diaries then you can go to my YouTube channel and subscribe in the normal way. However if you want to be kept up to date with not only my video diary but my conventional written word blog (some posts will be interspersing the video blogs shortly) then you can goto and use the links to the left. Finally, if you're interested in Maya 3-D work and my other professional aspirations then you can go to my main 3-D site at Thank you for watching and i'll speak to you soon. Music used: * Cake Comfort Eagle

After a hearty meal of bacon served by our lovely host, we prepped the car and left on our 150 mile journey into the wilds of Dartmoor where we'd be making camp for the night at the bottom of a track "Unsuitable for motors" Visit our website at
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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