Friday, August 31, 2012

The Maya Diaries - Episode 11 - Cornwall Holiday 2009 Day Four

Here we have the final video of my Cornwall holiday where we return to St Michael's Mount, thankfully today it is open. When you visit the Mount the similarities between Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France are easy to see. The weather was lovely and the scenery was amazing. All throughout this holiday will really lucky to have great weather, considering we didn't have one day of rain this has been the best holiday in Cornwall for the weather. After St Michaels Mount we travelled further to the end of the country and visited Mousehole. A gorgeous picturesque fishing town with lovely sidestreets just begging to be explored. From Mousehole we carried on down the coast to visit the Minack Theatre. A staggeringly unique phenomenon that has been seen to believed however our personal exploration will have to wait until another time. Our final destination of the day was land's end. While the overt commercialisation of the area has had a detrimental affect on its beauty once you get beyond the cheap attractions and stand on the precipice of the last cliff of England you begin to appreciate its beauty and its appeal. We end our video with some Morris dancing, quintessentially English and in my view a perfect way to end the series of videos documenting my holiday in Cornwall. Thanks to everyone for watching and I'll be back soon with another video. Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe to be kept upto date instantly. All multimedia displayed is done so with fair use ...

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