Friday, August 10, 2012

Treloan, A Campsite With A Differance

This is just a taste of the amazing events that happen here at Treloan Coastal Holidays Campsite in Gerrans, Cornwall UK - There is absolutely, none other like it ! Visit the website better yet, come for a holiday ! To visit our area, go to Visit also Caravanserai -- a place where caravans meet Thank You to Annie and Mac who are responsible for bringing many amazing programs here to the site. Thank you J & B for the music 'Trip To Treloan' , visit them on myspace at Most of all to Pete and Debbie who have turned around a very broken down campsite and PUT IT ON THE MAP. Debbie and Pete give their hearts to our village, and our folk here ! WE absolutely love them ! See album with all the events photos at or go to
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