Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wonderful Cheese From Cornwall

When asked about what you think of when some one says 'Cornwall' you are more than likely to get 'Cream teas', 'Cornish Pasties' and the 'Eden Project' as a response. Yet Cornwall has a well established industry that is making its way to the top of the food chain. A popular export for Cornwall is Cheese. The area boasts several cheese makers and each one offering something a little unique. This article will look at some of the makers of these products and provide you with a little bit more information about what you can expect.

The first cheese on our list is that of Cornish Yarg. This is a moist one from Cornwall and has a fresh and creamy taste. Yet the most unique thing about this favorite is that it has been hand covered in nettles. This wonderfully bizarre cheese is a welcome sight from the cheddars that occupy the supermarket shelves. Produced at Lynher Dairies the makers note that this is naturally ripened which enables the production of the rinds and molds that vary in colour from a dusty white for the younger ones to a yellow/brown mold as the cheese matures all of which is a completely natural stage and bares no difference to the flavor of the cheese.

Cheese two is produced by Cornish Country Land and is called Village Green.

This is an award winning hard goats cheese made with 100% goats milk sourced from their regular farm suppliers. It is matured for at least 6 months and offers a clean, fruity and full bodied flavor with a smooth slightly crumbly texture. This one is only made using 100% natural ingredients and provides a great alternative to people to don't enjoy or choose to avoid cows milk cheese.

The third on our list is Cornish Blue.

Made by skilled cheese makers in Cornwall from the Cornish Cheese Company this is a delightful addition to our list. The process is entirely hand made and one element requires the product to be matured for 12 to 14 weeks. The bluing of the cheese occurs when the cheese is pierced each week with stainless steel rods allowing the mould to spread through out the cheese. This is a must for anyone who likes the taste of blue cheese.

There we have three of the best cheese that Cornwall has to offer. Try something a little different as well as support the local economy.

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